Projects of SCDC

The following is what the School Community Development Council has done so far for our 

'Greater Powder River Area'.

Granted $73,103.15 in PRCEF earnings to:

1) Biddle Community Heritage Center for roll up doors in kitchen

2) Biddle Fire Department to pour concrete floor in new fire hall

3) Biddle School to build handi-cap ramp at teacherage

4) Broadus Bumblebee Daycare to purchase safety seats for school bus & gravel

5) Broadus Community Garden to purchase a garden shed & hose reels

6) Broadus Volunteer Fire Department for supplies for dozer & trailer

7) Broadus Wrestling Club for a new wrestling mat

8) Charles James VFW Post 1595 to update kitchen and bathrooms

9) Girl Scout Troop 2284 for girl scout camp costs

10) Powder River Chamber of Commerce & Ag-Building a Better Broadus Committee - picnic tables for Pocket Park

11) Powder River Chamber of Commerce & Ag-Event Committee - Storage cube for Christmas lights and other items

12) Powder River Historical Society will replace evaporative cooling system

13) Powder River Recycling to purchase recycling only containers

14) Powder River Senior Citizens Club to refinish wood floor in Senior Citizens Center

15) Powder River Trails - 2 benches & 2 dog waste stations

16) Rolling Hills Junior Golf to purchase additional golf clubs & accessories

Community Appreciation Night/Chili Supper for First Responders

Sponsored Freedom Run t-shirts

Attended Forsyth Local Community Foundation Workshop

Received Evangeline LeVeque Trust donation for scholarships

Participate in the MCF Incentive Program/Challenge

Granted $39,336.00 in PRCEF earnings to:

1) Biddle Community Heritage Center to remodel

2) Broadus Bumblebee Daycare for Outdoor Storage Shed and Turf

3) Broadus Community Garden for Compost & Honey Berry Plants

4) Broadus Sharp Shooters 4-H Club to purchase new targets and equipment

5) Broadus Wrestling Club for two pin TV scoreboards

6) Charles James VFW Post 1595 to build new folding doors for the bar & kitchen

7) Powder River Extension Office & Food Bank to host an Airfryer Nutrition Class

8) Powder River Chamber of Commerce & Agriculture to revamp lighted Christmas decorations

9) Powder River Historical Society to make engraved exhibit signs

10) Powder River Recycling for education & awareness promotion

11) Powder River Senior Citizens Club remodeled the food pantry, bathroom, & office

12) Powder River Trails purchased dog bag stations and a pedestrian counter

13) SADD for recruitment supplies

Legends of Pioneers Concert

Sponsored Freedom Run t-shirts

Received donation from Earl & Marjorie Hanes Trusts

Donated 5% matching funds to Powder River Emergency Medical Services for supplies and equipment.

Supported the Town of Broadus' grant application for Montana Main Street Project.

Granted $48,500 in PRCEF earnings to:

1) Biddle Community Heritage Center for Drywall and sanding floors

2) Biddle Fire Department to pour concrete floors

3) Big Sky Big Leadership Community Project for paint, planters, sign, & benches

4) Broadus Bumblebee Daycare for air conditioner and sidewalks

5) Broadus Sharp Shooters 4-H Club for air rifles, cartridge filler and archery targets

6) Broadus Volunteer Fire Department to update rescue equipment

7) Charles James VFW Post 1595 to purchase new chairs and tables

8) Powder River County MSU Extension to hold the Big Sky Big Leadership in 2023

9) PR County MSU Extension & Powder River Senior Center for Nutrition Class and Instapots

10) Powder River First Responders to update batteries and pads in AEDs

11) Powder River Historical Society to digitize newspapers

12) Powder River Little League for chain-link fence

13) Powder River Senior Citizens Club to paint inside of building

14) Powder River Trails & PRAIRIE Camp for outdoor musical instruments

15) Rolling Hills Golf Course for cart path repairs and upgrade electrical panels

16) Rolling Hills Junior Golf for clubs and storage area

17) Shining Star Preschool to purchase fencing and playground equipment

Sponsored T-shirts for 4th of July Freedom Run

Powder River Manor Charitable Trust requested to have SCDC manage their trust.

Granted $39,000 in PRCEF earnings to:

1) Biddle Community Heritage Center for awning

2) Biddle Fire Department for electricity for new barn & garage doors

3) Broadus Bumblebee Daycare - startup costs

4) Charles James Post 1595 VFW for ceiling repairs & new lighting

5) MSU Extension Powder River County - Interpretive Signs

6) Powder River Chamber of Commerce & Ag - Welcome to Broadus Sign

7) Powder River First Responders for equipment

8) Powder River Historical Society - digitize Powder River Examiner

9) Powder River Little League for new dugouts

10) Powder River Trails to put in street lights along walking path

11) Powder River Trails & Henry Malley Memorial Library for a StoryWalk on walking trail

12) Pumpkin Creek Community Club - windows, door, and paint at Sonnette Hall

13) Rolling Hills Golf Course for porta potties & patio furniture

Sponsored T-shirts for 4th of July Freedom Run and "Still ; Walk" Mental Health Awareness Walk

Helped with Powder River First Responders purchase a vehicle for Community Integrated Health program
Committed to helping Powder River County purchase ambulances


Granted $30,698.70 in PRCEF earnings to:

1) Biddle Community Heritage Center for Sidewalk and Pad

2) Biddle Fire Department for a new pole barn

3) Broadus Community Garden to build raised beds and fill with soil & compost

4) Powder River 1st Responders for training

5) Powder River Extension Office to purchase a new welcome sign and banners

6) Powder River Historical Museum to digitize the Powder River Examiner

7) Powder River Little League for field improvements

8) Powder River Trails to purchase a mower and carsonite signs

9) Rolling Hills Golf Course for a mower

10) VFW Hall for operating costs

Sponsored 4th of July Freedom Run T-shirts


Granted $19,075 in PRCEF earnings to:

1) Broadus Community Garden for watering system, bench, and table

2) Faith Bible Church for AED Device

3) Powder River First Responders for a Cardiac Monitor

4) Powder River Historical Museum to enclose the lean-to for fossils

5) Powder River Recyclers to clean boulevards & plant new bushes

6) Powder River Sheriff's Office for training equipment

7) Powder River Trails for benches and bike racks

8) Rolling Hills Golf Course to remodel kitchen

Funded Powder River Little League for field improvement projects

All Class Reunion and Centennial Celebration organizers

Sponsored 4th of July Freedom Run T-Shirts

Fundraiser support for the PR First Responders during 4th of July Celebration

"Light of Love" Memorial Fundraiser for Community Projects

Cookie Decorating at the Christmas Stroll


Granted $14,000 in PRCEF earnings to:

1) Boyes Community Hall to replace windows in the Hall

2) PR First Responders for two patient warmers for cots

3) PR Heart Club for Fitness Stations on Walking Trail

4) PR Little League to redo baseball field, concession stands, and fencing

5) PR Sheriff's Office for radio upgrades

6) PRCDHS for Google Chromebooks

7) Rolling Hills Golf Course to enclose the North side of patio

8) VFW for repairs and upgrades to the building

"Light of Love" Memorial Fundraiser for Community Projects

Sponsored T-shirts for PR Trails 4th of July Freedom Run

Hospitality Pizza Supper for the Westby-Grenora & Kaycee Football Game

Sponsored T-shirts for PR Trails Moonlight Walk

Cake Walk & Live Music during Christmas Stroll to support Senior Citizens


Granted $5719.00 in PRCEF earnings to:

1) PR Heart Club for a bench, receptacle, and signs for walking path

2) PR First Responders for equipment and training.

Sponsored T-Shirts for the PR Heart Club's Moonlight Walk to benefit the Broadus Trails

Received donation from Vic & MaryAnn Stabio

Supported the Seniors moving back to the Amsden Building

Sponsored a Cake Walk & Live Music to raise money for the Senior Center


Granted $6273.24 in PRCEF earnings to: 

1) PR Heart Club for a bench & receptacle for walking path

2) PR First Responders for pediatric equipment and training

3) Rolling Hills Golf Course for a new deck

Donated $1000 to PR Chamber of Commerce & Ag to purchase a sound system

Sponsored T-Shirts for the PR Heart Club's Moonlight Walk to benefit the Broadus Trails

Sponsor for Jolene Brown, Keynote Speaker at PR Chamber of Commerce & Ag Annual Ag Banquet

Raffle drawing for a RTIC Cooler and Pizza GC at Christmas Stroll.


Granted $6500 in PRCEF earnings to:

1) PR First Responders for training and supplies

2) PR Congregational Church to renovate bathroom to become handicapped accessible

3) PR Museum to replace window


Granted PRCEF earnings to:

1) PR High School Art Program to buy Camera

2) After Grad Committee for entertainment at After Grad Party


Replaced PRCEF sign with weatherproof banner material with contact information on it

Attended a Montana Community Foundation convening in Glendive

Granted $5000 in PRCEF earnings to: 

1) PR Chamber purchase Christmas lights; 

2) Boyes Community Club help with building improvements; 

3) Broadus Hot Lunch Program purchase salad bar; 

4) PR Sports Boosters help with new weight room expenses; 

5) Relay for Life Golf Tourney committee purchase cart for promoting Cancer Fund golf tourney


Community Celebration to celebrate our Powder River Community Endowment Fund’s success of meeting our matching funds…musical presentation of ‘Life in a Small Town’ provided in conjunction with directer Laura Lee Ullrich and many talented local performers!

Granted $2195 in PRCEF earnings to: 

1) Youth Issues Coalition to implement “Rachel’s Challenge” program; 

2) Stitch & Chatter Club purchase materials for quilt display rack



Facebook Page set up for PRCEF

Granted $4200 in PRCEF earnings to: 

1) RHGC upgrade water pump system; 

2) PR Historical Society new sidewalk construction


Fundraisers: 12th Annual Prime Rib & Wine Chair Calcutta, raised $355

Granted $1300 in PRCEF earnings to: 

1) Town of Broadus for beautification project of wood carving of 2 tree stumps at park; 

2) PR Little League purchase picnic tables at ball park; 

3) After Grad Party Committee purchase ping pong table


Fundraisers: 11th Annual Prime Rib & Wine Chair Calcutta, raised $1635

Student Dani Franklin created a Power Point presentation for annual fundraiser explaining PRCEF

Swimming Pool Open House and Phase 1 completed in June

Fundraising letter composed and mailed out to all alumni with information of upcoming All Class Reunion

Granted $4000 in PRCEF earnings to: 

1) Broadus VFD help with costs of preliminary engineering report for Firehall; 

2) PR Recyclers re-roofing project for building; 

3) PR Chamber help with republishing Beyond Echoing Footsteps; 

4) PR Chamber wiring for Chokecherry Festival; 

5) PR Historical Society & PRCDHS Art Program print museum activity books


Hosted a Grant making workshop for surrounding community foundations

Continued fundraising efforts for Swimming Pool, responsible for all treasurer reports and accounting of donations

Fundraisers: 10th Annual Prime Rib & Wine Chair Calcutta, raised $713

Continued support with Ray Roerick’s research in engineering and establishing a Radio station

Recipient of $500 operating grant from MCF to use for promoting our PRCEF

Support grant application for $12000 Leadership Grant from MCF for feasibility study for Critical Access Hospital

Preliminary planning of All Class Reunion, fundraising letter mailed out, local alumni contacted to be in charge of their class’s activities

With community support and involvement of MANY organizations the Swimming Pool Project was awarded $166,000 Coal Board Grant

Granted all 2007 PRCEF earnings to Swimming Pool Fund $4427


Met LCF Challenge grant, received an additional $2500 to grant out to local organizations

Recipient of Yellowstone Caviar Project grant in the amount of $2000 to help with the Tennis court improvement project

Student Patrick Hessman created a Power Point presentation for our PRCEF

Fundraisers: 9th Annual Prime Rib & Wine Chair Calcutta, raised $2780

Started planning fundraising for Swimming Pool Project

Granted $9490 in PRCEF earnings to: 

1) Broadus Extension Homemakers to replace dishwasher at Community Center; 

2) RHGC replace 3 entrance doors; 

3) BVFD purchase needed fire fighting accessories; 

4) VFW Post #1595 outside maintenance on building; 

5) PRCDHS Yearbook Class purchase SLR camera; 

6) PR Swimming Pool reseal decks around pools; 

7) Broadus Sharpshooters 4-H Club repair & upgrade shooting range building; 

8) Broadus Tree Board purchase Rocky Mtn junipers & supplies; 

9) PR Historical Society purchase computer, camera and software; 

10) PRAEDC purchase new fencing at tennis courts at park; 

11) Mizpah Masters 4-H Club purchase supplies to build benches for Public Library; 

12) PRCDHS Service Learning Program purchase supplies for Community Appr. Day; 

13) After Grad Party Committee purchase fatal vision goggles; 

14) Chokecherry Festival Committee help defray expenses for entertainment


Published Vol. 1 Issue 1 of “Community Happenings”

Fundraisers: 8th Annual Prime Rib & Wine Chair Calcutta, raised $2700

Granted $4000 in PRCEF earnings to: 

1) PRCDHS to help purchase Community Clean-up Day supplies; 

2) PR Little League for snow fence and bleacher repair; 

3) PR Mudcats help defray cost of putting in a new outfield fence; 

4) PR Senior Citizens Center help purchase a free standing self-contained evaporative cooler; 

5) PR Historical Society help with the Vintage Clothing project; 

6) Caring Hands bring in volunteer training; 

7) PRCA Let’r Buck Rodeo help with scholarship fund raising; 

8) Broadus Public Schools Music Boosters purchase auditorium curtains; 

9) East Fork Roping Club help purchase Ground Hog for arena


Help sponsor family entertainment ‘The Standards’ at the Powder River County Fair

Participated in a feasibility study for a Fitness Center

Fundraisers: 7th Annual Prime Rib & Wine Chair Calcutta, raised over $3700

Granted $5700 in PRCEF 2004-2005 Grant cycle earnings to following organizations: 

1) Powder River Historical Society to help restoration of damaged wall, moving of cooling unit and replacing of roll-up door; 

2) Rolling Hills Golf Course to help with expenses of replacing boards on the deck of the clubhouse; 

3) Cherry Jubilee Committee help purchase re-usable cloth table covers for PR Manor; 

4) Broadus Homemakers help purchase window banners for families with men and women in the armed services; 

5) Broadus Cadette Girl Scout Troop #284 help support the Community Beautification Project; 

6) Broadus Tree Board to help replace trees around town; 

7) Chokecherry City Committee to help purchase chokecherry trees and planting supplies; 

7) PR County High School to help purchase supplies for the annual “Community Appreciation Day”


Funded a feasibility assessment study for establishing an Assisted Living facility within the Powder River Manor

Recipient of $5000 CBO (Community Based Organization) grant to allocate to community by providing education to voters on changes in election laws, ID requirement at the polls, provisional voting and how to request a new ballot etc…

Granted money to Chamber of Commerce to help with expenses of the Visitor Information Center

Held special meetings to discuss and research the feasibility of a Recreational/Fitness Center.

Fundraisers: Bingo at the Fair; 6th Annual Prime Rib & Wine Chair Calcutta, raised $1969


Granted $2700 in PRCEF earnings to following organizations: 

1) Broadus Tree Board help purchase needed wire, posts and cover cloth for weed protection for new trees; 

2) Mudcat American Legion Baseball help improve the existing concession stand at ball field; 

3) PR Historical Society and Museum help purchase materials to construct walkway along Mac’s Museum; 

4) Broadus Volunteer Fire Department help defray cost of installation of town street signs; 

5) Boyes Puddle Jumpers 4-H Club new bathroom project at Boyes Hall; 

6) Boyes Community Club help with new bathroom project at Boyes Hall; 

7) PR Economic Development Corp. establish a welcome display in the courthouse square

Fundraisers: Lacy J. Dalton Fair Entertainment concert, sold 452 tickets! Was a another successful evening and FABULOUS ENTERTAINMENT!!; 5th Annual Prime Rib & Wine Chair Calcutta, raised $1388


Granted $3000 in PRCEF earnings to following organizations: 

1) Powder River Fair Board help with expenses of bringing in Fair entertainment; 

2) Mizpah Masters 4-H Club purchase supplies to rebuild benches at Community Center and erect new fencing; 

3) PR Mudcats help with expenses with maintenance of the ball field; 

4) Broadus Sharpshooters help purchase space heater for indoor shooting range; 

5) VFW help purchase a dishwasher; 

6) Broncs & Bulls Committee help defray expense for replacing pens behind the bucking chutes at fairgrounds; 

7) East Fork Roping Club help with construction expenses at new concession stand at fairgrounds; 

8) Broadus Sports Boosters help purchase new chain link fencing at ball field; 

9) PR Economic Development Corp. put together a web page for Broadus; 

10) Broadus Chamber of Commerce help bring in entertainment at Fair

Fundraisers: Dan Seals Fair Entertainment concert, sold 800 tickets! Was a wonderful evening and GREAT ENTERTAINMENT!!; 4th Annual Prime Rib & Wine Chair Calcutta, raised $1882


Granted $2500 in PRCEF earnings to following organizations: 

1) Broadus Chamber of Commerce to help purchase a computer for their office; 

2) Rolling Hills Golf Course to help with expenses for deck repair to club house; 

3) Biddle Volunteer Fire Dpt. to help purchase equipment; 

4) Boyes Community Club to help with structure repair costs; 

5) PR Fair Board to assist in purchasing 4-H trophys for fair; 

6) Wanna Bee Recreational Center to help with expenses of facilitating center; 

7) HS Trophy Case Project to help defray costs of purchasing special glass frames for pictures and light bulbs for cases.

Granted $3000, with matching funds required, to Wanna Bee Recreational Center from Beacon funds. Youth & Recreation is one of the four Beacon Projects set in 1994.

Fundraisers: 50/50 drawing at GBB game(raised $65); 3rd Annual Prime Rib & Wine Chair Calcutta (raised $ 2012)


Granted $2500 in PRCEF earnings to following organizations: 

1) PR Little League to help fund a well drilling project at the Tastee Freeze field; 

2) Broadus Homemakers to help pay for the replacement street Christmas lights around town; 

3) PR Genealogical Society to help purchase equipment for community members to research genealogy; 

4) Shooting Sports to help with improvement costs at the shooting range; 

5 )PR Mudcats to help fund the new outdoor field lights.

Fund raising events: Very successful and FUN ALL-CLASS REUNION (raised $2645), 2nd Annual Chair Calcutta and Dinner (raised $2440)


Fund raisers: Sharps Rifle sale donated by RMB of Broadus (sold for $2700), Hawaii trip chair auction & dinner event, 50/50 ticket sales at High School sporting events

Funded renovation costs of Burton Building to expose the original tin ceiling and walls and portion of the hardwood floor for the purpose of opening a Youth and Cultural Center

Help support Artists in Schools Program by funding 1/2 the expense of bringing in artist Sue Tirell to put on a clay workshop


Completed entertainment trailer project

Allocated Project Grant money to MT Dept. of Transportation for new Visitor Information Center

Fund raisers: Sports package raffles for Denver Broncos & Denver Rockies generously donated by alumni Vic Stabio & Halledor Petroleum, Bingo at the Fair, Kiddy Train children entertainment during Annual Broadus Crazy Days

Community entertainment: Melodrama during County Fair, provided entertainment trailer for Chokecherry Festival

Supported a community VISTA Volunteer position for Youth in Action project

Published Vol. 11, Issue 1 of “Community Happenings”


Granted money MCF allocated to our SCDC to 12 community organizations in the amount of $5000: 

1)Mizpah Masters 4-H Club; 

2) Range Riders 4-H Club; 

3) Henry Malley Memorial Library; 

4) Letterman’s Club; 

5) Broadus VFD; 

6) PR County Loan Closet; 

7) PR Quarter Horse Assn.; 

8) Parents & Adolescence Can Talk (PACT); 

9) Alzada Community Club; 

10) Broadus FFA Chapter; 

11) PR Extension Service; 

12) Elementary Playground Equip. Improvement Committee

Granted money to bring National Public Radio to area

Family Entertainment: Hypnotist Al Snyder

Meeting w/MCF Board via Telecommunication System

Created Web Page on Internet

Published Volume I, Issue I and Issue II of   “Community Happenings”

Granted money to Sr. Citizens for Purchase of PA System

Hired Coordinator for Tele-Communication System

Granted money to Playground Equipment Project


Responsible for clean-up of proposed Smith Pond Project

Oak Table Fund-raiser for Nursing Home Patio

Community Entertainment: Ringling 5

Very Successful All-Class Reunion

NFR Ticket Raffle Fund-raiser

Supported Youth Fair Dance


Aqua Steps Purchased for aqua aerobics

Loan to Fire Dept. for Water Truck

Loan to Archery Club

Youth Soccer Equipment & Training Expense

Community Entertainment: Baxter Black Concert

Chokecherry Festival

PR Co. Comprehensive Survey

Granted money to SEMTEC for Telecommunication

Partially funded Entertainment trailer


Bingo at the Fair


Fourth of July fundraiser

Community Meeting

Video Editing Equip. purchased

Mural, sculpture, tree planting at Courthouse & in City Park


Published Business Directory


Silent Auction for Recycling Baler